I don’t believe in year resolutions. However, I do believe in making changes and trying new things. That is why about two months ago I started to take the time to educate myself in the area of health, in the hopes that it would motivate me to stick to something long term and not just for a few weeks or months. I’ve never (unfortunately) been big on exercise or being overly concerned with having healthy eating habits, but I decided that HAD to change. I’ve never been overweight, and when ever I felt a couple pounds (or two) creeping up, I would just watch what I eat and I would go back to my normal weight. That, however has changed. I don’t loose the weight as fast as I used to (I blame it on age! Augh! ) SO… some immediate changes have consisted of cutting red meat (bloats my poor belly). I have eliminated microwavable processed lunches (even if they are so called organic or what ever else it will make it sound “healthy”), no more milk (at least for me, Francis can’t let go!) we cut white rice and avoid fried foods. It’s already been over two months and I don’t miss these things AT ALL! Which makes me feel good because I mean, who wants to be craving and not be able to have.. right?!
In all honesty, it hasn’t been that hard to get on the healthy bandwagon, little by little I have substituted some key ingredients and incorporated new ones. I have added freshly made juices, brown rice, I’ve made a real effort to learn new, healthier recipes and eat definitely more greens and vegetables. Can’t believe it’s taken me so long to really take the time to take care of this poor body of mine 🙁 But better late than never right?!
Nikon F100 Kodak Portra 400
In case you wonder what has motivated me to do some changes in the way we eat, here is the scoop……..food DOCUMENTARIES! Also the fact that there are some foods that my stomach will just not be happy with anymore. Yeap, I have to admit, it took me A LONG time to finally decide to watch one of these videos. In the inside I KNEW there were changes I needed to make, but didn’t want to sit and in a way be “scolded” by strangers behind a TV set telling me what to eat and what not to eat. Anyway, when I finally sat down ready to choose (there are MANY!) I started with Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It wasn’t preachy and it had a lot of good points. This video got me started on juicing 🙂
So, in case you are in need of some (visual) motivation, here are my favorites;
I have also been following a few healthy cooking blogs. Oh! and I LOVE how recipes are shown with pretty pictures 🙂 Makes them much more appetizing!
Here are some of my favorites;
I hope to keep this up! For now, all I CAN do is lead a healthy lifestyle to feel better and be healthier. Can’t wait for that day when Jehovah brings our bodies to perfection and when we won’t be worrying about what we eat or where food is coming from!
What about you? Have you been trying something new in the kitchen?! 🙂