Recently I have been thinking about easy it is to get distracted by so many things that when I photograph I feel the urge to want to capture everything at once. So, I’ve recently been focusing on learning to “see” in an uncomplicated. By this I mean that I’ve been going back to basics. Last year when I decided to continue learning more about photography I wanted to learn EVERYTHING and FAST, I also wanted to try it ALL! and by all, I mean different angles, different editing styles (many times OVER editing) only to slowly and in time realizing that keeping it simple is really what suits my style more. In everything I do, I like to keep things simple. So why not follow the same pattern with my photography?! By taking a simple approach I am able to focus more on the moments and the people I photograph.
There is NO doubt that getting to know your camera, settings, exposure and all that comes with shooting in manual mode is and will ALWAYS be the best advise EVER!. I’ve realized that it’s only until we learn to get images right in camera and ONLY then that we will really start to define our photography style. Trying to fix or correct a badly exposed or unfocused image (guilty!) can in a way prevent us from finding our personal style.
In photography there will ALWAYS be something new and exciting to learn, so I will keep sharing my own insight as I continue to try new things and if it helps someone along the way, GREAT!!!