I think I have already ranted too much about my love for good old film haven’t I? Well, let me rant A-GAIN about how much I love film!! EEEK! I tried Kodak Portra160 for the first time and I really liked it. This film is actually made for portraits, but decided to try it out anyway with some landscape photography. Again, I developed and scanned at Walgreens to make sure exposures were ok with this different type of film. So far so good. I think I can safely say now that I will stop using Walgreens and ship when ever I can to Indie. I am still waiting for those that I mailed out from our Seattle trip and I am counting the minutes until I get those!
Here is one of my favorites from that little photo field trip with Lynette and I did back in May 🙂
Love the fog!
Nikon F100 Kodak Portra160. Developed and scanned at Walgreens with SLIGHT color adjustment only. Film needs ZERO to NO editing! Yum!