I think many of you already know how MUCH I love making things, anything creative gets me all fired up and excited!. I learned to make jewelry from Dragonfly Designs six year ago (2012) and after a few classes I gained enough confidence to even put on my own show! You can see some of the photos here 🙂 After a while I took on Photography again (that same year in 2012) and placed Jewelry making in the back-burner. I still have all my supplies and will take them out once in a while when there is that one piece of jewelry I am looking for and can’t seem to find it – like the ones pictured above-.
A little over a month ago, I took on sewing lessons! Yeap, it was about time! Needless to say, I am now shopping for my very first sewing machine. I tell you, when I retire I plan nothing more than to spend my days in service AND making things! hahaha (kinda what my mom is doing right about now! 🙂 I wanted to find one on one sewing lessons and came across Sewing lessons in Redwood City. I scheduled my first lesson and I LOVED it! Granted, cutting the length of a dress was not the best option for my first lesson, BUT, I still learned how to use a sewing machine and all about sewing supplies (yeap, I already have a list). If you live in the Bay Area, I highly recommend these classes!
Here is a small list of creative things I am into;
Watercolor painting – Took a class through my local city City Activities Guide. They offer many classes at an affordable cost and they only last a few weeks.
Knitting/Crochet – I have ALWAYS wanted to knit. I knitted my first cowl neck scarves and I love the chunky wool from Wool and the Gang. They have online tutorials and that is what I used to learn a couple of simple stitches.
Jewelry Making – See the link above. I don’t see that the classes I took a few years back are offered anymore. But there might be other places that offer simple and affordable classes.
Sewing – in the process of learning 🙂
Someday I would love to take a Pottery and Quilting Class!
True, time is needed to learn and make things, but it has been said that, “Time is highly elastic, time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it” and I choose to MAKE time for creative moments. It keeps me sane and busy at the same time that other more important things are also taken care of.
Have you always wanted to learn something new, or would love to take on a hobby? Look at your weekly scheduled and you might just find out that you do have some time 🙂