After getting rid of a few shoes that I no longer wear and realizing that I ALWAYS use the same shoes, I decided to buy these sandals in two different colors. The ones I wear more are the brown ones – not pictured- but these are also super comfortable and are now the only pair of sandals I own. (and they were on SALE!!)
Anyway, this post has been a LONG time coming! A few years ago, I started with the interest of owning less material things, and by this, I mean, less clothing, housewares, home decorations, etc.. I even go to the point of owning four towels, four sets of shoes (one paid for summer and one pair for winter). I even paired down to two bath mats and four hand towels. Honestly, it wasn’t that hard. Ever since I got married, I’ve tried to keep things to a minimum. I grew up in a household where you always had A LOT of everything. Most of the time, a ton of dishes, a ton of towels, a ton of cleaning products, a ton of cooking gadgets, etc.. you get the drift. Once I had my own home, I decided I wasn’t going to fall into this same pattern. From our very first home, I tried to keep things to a minimum, but slowly I would see us buying things that weren’t really useful ALL THE TIME, maybe once or twice, but not daily. Fast forward 16 years into our marriage and thankfully I have seen that having LESS is ALWAYS the best way to go.
2018 has really marked the year where we have almost ZERO decorations, except for photos hanging on walls, which REALLY add meaning to our lives and make us smile when we see them. I spend so much less time dusting and cleaning! Granted, I had to be brutal while getting rid of a few things, but in the end, I don’t miss them at all! I can’t even remember what I gave away! 😀
My next project is to tackle our very little storage area. We don’t have a lot stored, but there is some memorabilia of mine, that needs to go. The thought of going through that box makes me a little apprehensive and nervous, as if I was giving away a child or something, and that alone makes me realize I have to let that stuff go, I sense that it will be VERY liberating. I will let you know how it goes…. TBC
If you want to know more about my less is more journey, feel free to follow on IG: @lavidanrose