We’re going on the fourth week of being home, pretty much 24/7. Aside from going into the office once a week to handle the absolute essentials like picking up mail, handling some deadlines, and going grocery shopping, we have not gone out. We are doing our very best to follow the rules and be obedient. It can be SO tempting to visit friends or family reasoning that we’re all “healthy” and then BAM! someone gets sick and then everyone is affected.
As for cooking, well, I have been cooking A LOT! I did subscribe to SunBasket, which delivers the ingredients for three meals a week. All I then have to buy is food for the rest of the days, like snacks, breakfast and lunch. I used to go for groceries every other day, so my shopping has certainly changed. I think I might even keep up the schedule, especially since things won’t go back to normal that fast. I felt weird waring a face mask at first, but quickly got used to it. What has been a little sadder at times is the weather. It’s been rainy and gloomy, so even though we have been on a good schedule of walking Downey, some days we just REALLY stay in and not take our daily walk, which turns out, he DOES NOT like :/ . Hopefully we get some sunnier days along with more Vitamin D.