Hi! It’s been a little quiet around here hasn’t it?! Hmm, where to start? It’s December already and I am already getting a fresh start on many little and some big things 🙂 I am in a sort of zone I have not been in for a long time…. and I am enjoying it VERY much! I am already feeling surprised that the cold and cloudy weather has not been affecting my mood like it normally did in the past, so THAT my friends is a very good thing. Already for next year we are gearing up for our Circuit Assembly at the end of January and planning our next mini “stay cation” when our friends from Spain visit again in May.
As for the month of November, well, the word of the month was “shopping”! We have been taking advantage of some decent sales and stocking up on a reasonable amount of winter clothing, since it had been a while since we got ourselves new warm clothing (no, we do NOT do crazy Black Friday shopping!). As some of you already know, I have a husband who really, and I mean REALLY loves shopping. He totally understands it when I say I want another pair of black shoes, he will immediately say it makes sense since although they are the same color they “are different” in style… see?!! he get’s it! However, both of us have a rule, and that is that if we buy something, we HAVE to let go of something else we already own. Neither of us likes clutter and we don’t believe in having a closets full of clothes, so we try to keep it to the minimum, so that rule is fair for both of us 🙂 So, when was the last time YOU bought yourselves a new coat or jacket? Those last a while, but this year we “upgraded” some of ours, and here is a photo of Francis with a coat and pair of wing tip shoes he recently purchased 🙂
Pocket squares add a nice touch don’t they? 😉
And of course Downey being all shaggy was NOT in the mood for a photo .. HA!
Nikon F100 Kodak Portra 400