Week two and a new assignemnt which I was able to give it a try once I knew what we needed to do. Thea weather here in the Bay Area was beautiful this past weekend so it was perfect to do a little photo shooting 😉 I have to say that this is one technique that I really want to learn. Shooting in mid-day sun is not the easiest but it can be done! This is one technique where shooting in manual mode really pays off, well, that and LOTS of practice 😉 The first three images below are the ones that I have submitted as part of assignment two. Of course having two cuties helped 😉
{Las primeras tres fotos fueron parte de mi tarea como parte de mi taller de fotografía. El desafío fue tomar fotos en pleno solazo de medio día con el sol detrás del “sujeto” siendo fotografiado y valla que fue un trabajal pero lo logre! Esta es una técnica donde tener completo control de la cámara de verdad ayuda, bueno, eso y MUCHA practica 🙂 }
I like this sequence, it seems Ethan might be saying something like “what is the use of having your picture taken?” and
Taylor paying no attention at all, but then Ethan gets in the game! lol
After doing my homework came a little play time 🙂
Sweetness 🙂