I finally received my scans back from Indie Film Lab and I LOVED them! The only downside of this lab is the turnaround time it takes for them to email back the scans. For me it took 14 days. They did indicate it could take up to 15 days, but it did eventually feel like an eternity. There are still two other labs I want to try, although same price, it’ll be in hopes that I can get the film back faster 🙂 I definitely see a difference when sending to a professional lab rather than a local drug store. For one, the colors are much softer and less saturated, and those pesky spots I was seeing in some previous shots are not there, which brings me to think that their scanning machines at the drugstore really need some deep cleaning. Anyway, because sending film out is not the cheapest, I think I will limit my self to one roll per month, which means I can send my next one for the month of July! HA!
So, in total there were 37 shots, and here are some I took while we took a small tour of the Pittock Mansion. Such a beautiful mansion! I remember leaving this place with a feeling of melancholy and some kind of sadness just thinking about the brevity of life, and how after all the work and love put to create such a beautiful home, it all goes on to be a museum of sorts. This first photo being one of my favorites … I can already see this one framed for friends that I have and who love to bake! 🙂
Cleaning never looked so pretty 🙂